Five Common Myths About Sharing the Gospel

This article was originally posted in the FECB blog on January 22, 2013 We mean well. We really want our friends to know Jesus. But too often we approach them with wrong ideas in our heads. If we really want to be effective witnesses, we should be aware of five common myths about evangelism. Myth #1: There are two kinds of people: them and us. It's a mistake to see everyone as being on one side of the fence or the other. That's not the appropriate metaphor. There's no fence. There's a road, and we're all walking on it. For sure, there's a point in every person's journey when they choose to follow Jesus. But it's only a step along the path. The road continues. None of us has arrived until we get to heaven, and we're all learning as we go. The people we want to share Jesus with are just fellow travelers. Realizing this opens up a whole new way of seeing others, and it will cha...