Listening: An Essential Ingredient in One-on-One Evangelism

We sat by the fire in the lodge, the place where members of the university community often gathered to socialize, and talked of spiritual things. My heart was full of God's love for this man, my friend and a colleague of my husband's at the research station where we lived and worked. He was speaking (it was his turn). I was letting him talk, making eye contact, nodding occasionally to encourage him, waiting for my chance to reply. He was a follower of Zen, and eager to share what he believed with me. At the moment, he was saying something about the Oneness of the Universe. I was just as eager to share about Jesus, but I waited, praying, thinking about what I could say next. Something that might reach into his spirit and open his eyes to the Truth of the Gospel. Then a third party joined the conversation. The Still, Small Voice said to me, "Are you listening to him?" "Well, yes, Lord. ...