Water from God's Perspective

Argyle Creek God loves water. He has to. He created it. He uses it to bless his world. And I'm convinced he has so much fun with it. I love water too. And I love God all the more when I realize we share this delight. Psalm 104 gives us a lyrical vision of the amazing water cycle going on all around us, day after day, season after season, from God's point of view. The Psalm is full of a sense of God's delight in the part water plays in sustaining the world he has created. Water is Fun (vs. 3) In the beginning, he l ays the beams of his upper chambers on the waters , and he rides on the clouds. He doesn't ride on the clouds because he needs to get somewhere. He just has fun doing it, like we do water skiing. Water Cleanses (vs. 6-9) He covered the whole earth, mountains and all, with water, as with a garment . Then he thundered and the waters fled, flowing over ...