The Mystery of Growth

When I pray about a problem or a struggle, too often I find myself expecting God to simply step in and fix things. I expect the fixing to be immediate, and I expect it to be painless and effortless on my part. I watch for a flash of lightning at the end of my prayer that either gives me the solution or whips me out of the situation I'm unhappy with. This flash of lightning rarely comes. I've been working in my garden this spring. I don't know what I'm doing. I've never had a green thumb. But I figure since I have some space now and extra time on my hands I might as well see if I can do something constructive with it. But it's discouraging. I planted nasturtium seeds, sweet peas, and marigolds, which I've heard keep out the garden pests, but none of them have sprouted. I put in three tomato plants two weeks ago and they haven't grown an inch. Other people have zucchinis already and I only have wisps of green sho...