An Intriguing God

I love to think about Him. He is as complex as a multi-faceted jewel and as simple as the word "love." He is ancient, without beginning, eternally existing, yet He is as fresh as the dew in the morning. He is all-powerful and gentle. He is as fathomless as the far reaches of the universe, but He stoops to speak into the hearts of children. He is the Author of life who stepped from eternity into time to die a mortal's death, for us. White as snow, yet He reaches into the deepest cesspool of the human heart to redeem and restore. He is complete and whole in Himself, but He yearns for friendship with His creatures. He is intensely and overwhelmingly awesome. People fall to the ground at His feet. Yet He loves laughter and light-hearted pleasure. He created joy. My heart floods with joy when I think about Him. You have made known...