The Bible: The Most Misunderstood Book on the Planet

Well, yes. That's a hard title to defend. I have no evidence that the Bible is the most misunderstood book on the planet. Many other books, particularly religious ones like the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita, are probably misunderstood as well. Religious books are prone to be misunderstood for two reasons. First, they are complex. Like jigsaw puzzles, you can put together pieces of them in small sections, but the sections don't make sense until the whole puzzle is completed. But the second reason religious books are misunderstood is, I believe, more common. These books are usually misunderstood because most people don't bother to read them. And that's surprising to me, especially when you consider that at least one of those books is so amazing. The Bible is amazing! It's been the world's best selling book every year since the invention of the printing press, and for good reason. This book ha...