On Peace and Pleasure

You will make known to me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11 (NAS) Last Sunday I came home from a week-long trip to Florida and the Bahamas. I thank God for the good things He has created for our pleasure: white, sandy beaches, seagulls flying, dolphins playing in the waves, good food on the cruise ship, interesting people to meet. So many good gifts He delights to give us. And so sweet that He delights in our enjoyment! He loves to watch us enjoying things. He begs us to throw ourselves onto His mercy and goodness, to abandon ourselves to joy! He is so good. But the best blessings on this trip, besides the reality of His loving presence with me as I enjoyed the sand and sea, were my two girls. I had so much fun being with them. I am so proud of them--the way they think and act and speak. ...