Suicide Not Required

Now, I have to warn you , my English professor said, when you discover that there is no ultimate Authority--no Author who supposedly 'gives meaning' to your existence--you may, at first, find yourself fighting a deep depression. She went on, Some students in their early years of university have even been tempted to end their lives when the false worldview they've been brought up to embrace has been deconstructed. She explained that she needed to give us this disclaimer so we wouldn't be caught off guard. She didn't want any suicides in her class. She was full of encouragement: Realize that you will move on, and your more rational self will adjust to the new reality--your own personal reality. You will survive and thrive with the realization that no one has the right to define reality for you. What you decide is true for you is all there is of Truth. Let's put aside, for now, all the obvious questions this statement should have raised in the minds ...