What This World is Coming To

So I've recuperated sufficiently from yesterday's first-day-of-school-after-Christmas-break subbing assignment in one of the elementary school libraries and am now ready to chronicle the events of the day. It could have been worse. Much worse. It could have been like my next-to-the-last-day-of-school-before-Christmas-break, at another elementary school, which ended in rather a disaster. (If you are interested in the details, you can check out the incident report I wrote up, detailing the interchange between Mortimer and me--yes, the name has been changed--in case his chant of "child abuse!" as he left school lasted all the way home and reached the ears of a parent, in which case I might be called upon to explain why I had felt compelled to forcefully remove him from the library during the last hour of the day.) No, I did not end up crying. I've been subbing way too long for that. But most of the rest of the class was teary...