The Mystery of Spiritual Delights: Thoughts on Fasting and the Sabbath

Mysteries in the Bible are intriguing. It makes sense that there would be some. If the God the Bible teaches us about is as wise, as powerful and as BIG as all of the universe around us would seem to suggest, there are bound to be things about Him we cannot fathom with our relatively tiny little brains. Yet, we long to know things. I am beginning to suspect that there are some things we can't "know" logically or rationally--things our brains are not designed to discover by thinking. Maybe some things we can only "know" by experience, and what we learn by experience is often hard to put into words. These "knowings" are not necessarily irrational. They don't go against reason. Rather, they seem to go beyond reason, into realms we can begin to imagine, but we can't explain. The practices of "fasting" and "keeping the Sabbath" are two of these mysteries. Here I share some thoughts on both, and how they might be relate...