Learning to Lean

Here’s a message I just sent to a young friend I am corresponding with through a mentoring website I belong to that is sponsored by Power to Change . It’s a message we all need to remind ourselves of right now, when it seems like the world is spinning out of control and we are uneasy with the uncertainty of it all. We want to do something to fix the mess around us but we don’t know where to begin, it all seems so impossible. So I said to my young friend, I feel sympathy for you in your striving. I have always been a striver too--and have struggled with perfectionism. Now I am older and wiser and more at peace with just living from day-to-day. The “need” to “do,” especially for God’s eternal Kingdom, still pushes at me, but more and more I realize that all I have to do is relax into His sovereignty and not worry so much. A few years back I ran into a meme that changed my life. It says: All we need to do, as Ch...