For All the Grads: What Life is About!

Looking for help as you step out into the scary new world? Here's a Grandma's advice: Wow! So many places! Directions to go! Which path should you follow? How do you know? You could go south, or go north, east or west. How can you be sure which direction is best? South could be sending you too far away. North might lead someplace you don’t want to stay. East might go nowhere and west be too tough. How do you pick when you don’t know enough? Your head's in a whirl! There are too many ways! Yet you have to decide how to plan for your days. It's too big a problem. You're not fit to choose. It's too big a decision. There’s too much to lose! But, wait. Here's the answer: You don't need to know. There's Someone else planning which way you should go. Someone Who’s smarter—Who’s been there before. And His plans for your path will give you much more Than anything you could dream up on your own. You jus...