As I’m sure all of you know, I have a policy of not sharing opinions about politics on Facebook. I don’t believe Facebook is a great platform for discussing things that we all tend to feel passionate about, unless those passions are strongly loving and able to be expressed positively. But I am challenged by my friend, Gina Bell’s post, to break with my tradition about that policy this once. At least the politics part of it—not the loving and positive one. I hope I can express my beliefs lovingly and positively here. I never want to offend anyone, not because I’m afraid of their reaction, but because I don’t want to hurt anyone, or add more heat than light to whatever issue we’re talking about. I want everything I share here to be not only truthful and loving but uplifting and profitable for making the world a better place. So here goes: my break with tradition—my thoughts on the current political climate in the U.S. Like many of my Facebook friends, I am worried ...
My heart is heavy. Summer weather has finally come. I should be enjoying the August sun and the season of rest before school starts. Instead I'm struggling to hang onto joy. What a waste of beautiful weather! But sun in the heart doesn't always follow sun in the sky. That's life. Maybe I've been reading too much world news. No. The problem is closer than that. I'm seeing the spiritual apathy and emptiness in my own little world. And, too often, in my own little heart. I'm comparing the fruitful way God used to work, in both my world and my heart, with the spiritual barrenness that seems to surround me. I wonder, sometimes, if God is even able to reach any of us in our current culture of self-satisfaction and apathy. A TIME FOR DOUBTS It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not the first to feel this angst. This morning I opened my Bible to Psalm 77. In verses ...
The beginning of a new year is a natural time for thinking about renewal. We say good-bye to an old, tired year and look with hope and expectation to a new one. A clean page. A fresh chance. A time to think about how to make our future better--more productive, more significant, more successful, more joy-filled. For Christians, thoughts of renewal usually revolve around God. We belong to Him forever, but we are vacillating human beings, and our relationship with Him can easily stagnate. We need times of refreshing. We need to come again to the fountain of living water. We need to long for Him so deeply that it drives us back into His presence. Thankfully, God prompts that longing. He never forces Himself back into our lives, but the restlessness we feel without Him invariably draws us. So what to do when we feel the restlessness? When we become aware that something's not right in our spirits? God is the One who must rescue us from the doldrums of spiritual lethargy, but there are st...