No But's

Janet, in her God With Us: Finding Joy post yesterday, reminded us that we need to listen to God. Charles Stanley says we need to come to God with expectancy--assuming that He will speak to us when we listen.

This morning I come expectantly to listen, asking Him what He wants to say to me. He says the same He always says: "I love you."

"Anything else?" I ask.

"No. That's all."

When God says "I love you," (and He's always saying it, constantly, over and over again), that's all He says. He never says, "I love you, but. . ."


Jenifer Metzger said…
Amen! There is never an I love you, but. It is just I love you period. Great encouragement!
Unknown said…
Amen! I'm so glad His love for me if unconditional and unending.
Janet Sketchley said…
I'm catching up on a backlog of blog reading, and what did I just see on another blog? Isaiah 50:4b "He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed." (NIV)

I love this assurance of no "but"s. And thanks for the link!

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