God's Sparkling Eyelashes

This morning I remember my good friend, Leslee, lost from our world last week because of cancer. For a long time, after I heard she was sick, I asked God to heal her. I felt our world needed her much more than heaven did. She was such a blessing to everyone. God said a gentle "No" to that request. He had something much better planned for her. Today she is basking in His presence, and I'm happy for her, even though I feel the loss. I grieved anxiously near the end, because of the pain she was going through. Last year, when we talked about her coming death, she said it wasn't going home that would be hard. It was the pain. She didn't want a long, protracted time of suffering. Though He said "No" to my request, God did answer her prayers. Up until the last month she was riding her horses, knitting for her grandchildren and entertaining guests. There was pain at the end. It required medication tha...