Too Much

Lord, there's just too much.

Too much insecurity. 
Too much evil.
Too much pain.

Too many people to care about and pray for.
Too many distractions.
Too many voices leading away from you.

Too many tweets and twitters.
Too much information. 

"When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Psalm 61:2

The Rock is secure.
The Rock is right and true.
The Rock is peace.

The Rock is a refuge for all who will come.
The Rock is a focus on reality that matters.
The Rock is a still, small voice.

The voice is confident, full of reassurance.  
Full of quiet, strong, sure, eternal promise of peace and joy.


Janet Sketchley said…
Amen. Thanks for this reminder of the truth, Ginny.

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