Listening to God

Do you ever wonder how to hear from God?  
What kinds of things He might be wanting to say to you?  
Or if what you think you're "hearing" is actually Him?

I just read, in my quiet time this morning, several chapters in Charles Stanley's book, How to Listen to God.  I highly recommend it for any Christian who longs for intimacy with God.  It's full of practical, godly advice from a humble, saintly man who is greatly experienced in hearing from God.

Pick any one of these chapters.  Read, and you'll be blessed:

ONE:  Is God Still Talking?
TWO:  God's Goal in Communicating
THREE:  How God Gets Our Attention
FOUR:  Identifying the Voice of God
FIVE:  Factors That Determine How God Communicates
SIX:  Are You Listening?
SEVEN:  Sitting Before the Lord
EIGHT:  Your Spiritual Mind-Set
NINE:  Hindrances to Hearing
TEN:  Listening and Obeying
ELEVEN:  The Life That Listens--A Well-Built Life

Or hear Charles Stanley speak on the subject in an engaging 7-minute Youtube video where he talks about teaching his children how to listen to God.
Where and How do you picture God when you pray? 

Charles Stanley says that when we pray, "we come before a Father who wraps His arms around us in a loving embrace."  (How to Listen to God, p. 69)

That's where He is, and what He's doing, right now, in relation to you.  
This is what He is saying to you today.


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