What Was the Question Again?
Did you ever wonder how God's voice sounded to the ancients? When the Bible says, "God spoke" to Abraham, how did Abraham know it was God speaking? The Bible rarely tells us how the people of Old Testament times "heard" God speak. It just says God spoke, and leaves it at that. It's as if God assumes people would know He was speaking, and what He was saying, without any further explanation. But I don't always know, so God has obviously left an important piece of information out of the Scriptures. Or maybe not. Maybe there's something left out of my way of hearing God instead. Maybe something is screwy with my way of perceiving reality, as hard to believe as that may be. If I asked him, "Abraham, what made you think it was God speaking when you came up with that crazy idea that your descendants would outnumber the sands of the sea?" he would probably look at me like I was the crazy one. He would ca...