What Was the Question Again?
Did you ever wonder how God's voice sounded to the
ancients? When the Bible says, "God
spoke" to
Abraham, how did Abraham know it was God speaking?.jpeg)
But I don't always know, so God has obviously left an
important piece of information out of the Scriptures.
Or maybe not. Maybe
there's something left out of my way of hearing God instead. Maybe something is screwy with my way of
perceiving reality, as hard to believe as that may be.
If I asked him, "Abraham, what made you think it was
God speaking when you came up with that crazy idea that your descendants would
outnumber the sands of the sea?" he would probably look at me like I was the
crazy one. He would call me a
meshuggeneh. "What's the matter with you?" he'd say. "You got
goyim ears or something?"
Yes. I have goyim
ears. Ears that are more attuned to the
science teacher, or the ivory tower academic, than to God. Ears that have been trained to believe that
only physical sounds that beat on those little bones in my head can connect me
with reality.
I am sometimes amazed at how much my worldview is a product
of the secular humanistic culture I live in.
Even as a follower of Jesus, one who spends time meditating and often
believes God is speaking to me, I find it hard to trust what I think I "hear"
from God. I have slipped into believing that only physical ears can hear, and
that knowing is a brain/mind thing, and nothing else.
In Job, the oldest book of the Bible, God asks a question:
"Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding
to the heart?" (Job 38:36 KJV)
The answer is obvious.
And when I answer that question truthfully, the question I wanted to ask
Abraham. . . what was it again? That
question is forgotten. Makes no
It's not up to me to figure out how God speaks. I'll leave that up to Him, and just listen
with an open, trusting heart. I'll let
him slip his truth past my human understanding and place it gently into my
inward parts. That's the only place the
Truth will do me any good anyway.