Trust and Despair

Why is that?
I'm not sure. But I'm
holding on to the verses I feel he's drawn my attention to during this strange
time of ambivalence.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust
in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him (as Lord!)
and he will direct your paths.
So after I talked to God, he spoke to me, in two very
specific ways:
My morning's reading in the Daily Light was about Jesus
suffering in the garden. He trusted his
Father completely, yet, in the garden, as he was awaiting the arrival of the
soldiers who would take him to his death, he told his disciples, "My soul
is deeply grieved."
He cried out for mercy from God. "If it be possible, let this cup pass
from me."
God didn't grant his request. He sent an angel to strengthen the Son he
loved more than life, and then he let the soldiers come.
I left my quiet time and came to the computer, where I found
this blog from Open Doors, an organization that ministers to people who suffer
persecution for their faith in Christ.
This is a quote from a Chinese man who was imprisoned for his faith. It helped shed some light on the
predicament--this strange dichotomy between trust and despair.
He says:
When we suffer for Christ, what actually
happens? I mean, what really goes on spiritually within us when we are going
through suffering?
I ask the
question because a young sister was listening to me recently recount my
experience of being in jail for three weeks last year. She said, “You talked of
having constant diarrhea, of being kicked and punched painfully, and you even
feared that God was punishing you…yet you talked also of feeling joy and
experiencing peace.” She said to me, “I don’t understand how these things go
My reply to her,
and I give it also as an instruction to you all (for you will all suffer at
some point for His Name), is that when we suffer, three spiritual experiences
happen to us all at once: angelic strengthening, superhuman forgiveness, and
human incomprehension. These three things appear contradictory, but if you
suffer, you will find they come together as they did in the life of Christ.
An old Christian used
to say to me, “When they lead you away to jail, tell yourself you are merely
going with Christ to the Garden of Gethsemane, and to the Cross.” To the
Garden, and to the Cross. I liked that. I tested it. It’s true…
"Angelic strengthening, superhuman forgiveness, and human incomprehension." I'm not suffering as this dear brother suffered, but his description of the feelings he experienced help me understand that joy and human incomprehension can co-exist.
My feelings will still come and go, but I'm honing in
on the key purpose--our purpose in our walk with him. It's just to trust. To grow in our trust. He doesn't ask us to understand. He doesn't ask us to know the right path to
take. All we have to do is trust and he
will arrange the rest.
God bless you, Sandra