A Conversation Piece
This evening I found an old article written
by Dave and Linda Olson called, "Hearing God."
What a sweet thought. My heart was lonely. I reached out and said, "I'd love to
have a conversation with you, God."
He said, "We did have a conversation
today. It was when you were reading your
Bible this morning."
This morning I'd been reading the story of
Nehemiah, thinking how much he is a model for how we believers should be living
and working faithfully in the secular society of our Western world. Thinking about how badly our spiritual walls
need to be rebuilt, and how difficult it is.
Then I thought, "But the walls were
rebuilt, against impossible odds and overwhelming opposition."
That was a great thought, and I thought it
was my thought.
I'd been reading with my mind on the words in front of me, not even thinking Someone else might
be in the room, talking to me.
It had been a conversation and I'd missed