If God is good. . .Why is the World So Evil?

So for the second time in the last two months I have been blind-sided by the flu. I have spent the last four days in bed, with barely enough energy to stumble across the floor. This is not fun. Whenever I am physically unwell, and therefore personally inconvenienced by pain, this dark, evil world appears even darker than usual. My first instinct when this happens is to go over to the dark side. I will obstinately ignore any small glimmer of light in the darkness in order to indulge in self-pity over my own misery. I forget all the lessons I've learned in the past about the triumph of Good over Evil. The evil is all I can see in the present moment, and I take it very personally. Last night, desperate for some distraction from my enforced idleness, I languished in front of Netflix. The app opened to a movie called TheBoy Who Harnessed the Wind . * The movie is based on the non-fiction novel by William Kamkwamba, an amazing young man who rescue...