Christmas Angels and Demons

This summer, for no apparent reason, a vicious bout of anxiety hit me, knocking me off my normally sturdy emotional feet. It persisted for a full four months, resisting all my tried and trusted coping mechanisms. I'm still thinking about the experience and learning from it. Once I had thoroughly dissected and analyzed it, I decided the reason was probably an overall angst about the state the world is in. Evil news invades our hearts and minds in this information age. There seems no place to hide from it. Just when we think nothing worse can happen, a new media revelation bursts upon us. So maybe anxiety is not so unreasonable after all? I am tempted to think the world is getting more evil, but I suspect it's not. As I begin to come out of my funk and start thinking about Christmas, I realize evil has been around for a long time. The Nativity Story is full of it. And when I realize this, the a...