The Only People Who Will Go to Heaven
I have become convinced that the only
people who will go to heaven at the end of this life are people who want
Heaven is God's home. It is filled with Him. If we don't want God, we wouldn't feel at
home there. In fact, if we don't want
Him, we probably wouldn't even notice His presence, and the greatest pleasure
of heaven would be lost to us.
It is lost to us now.

God's presence is still here. He is everywhere, touching us with His love.
He touches us in the sunlight, and in all things that give pleasure on this
earth; He gives us every breath we breathe.
But in our natural state, we go about our lives seeing only the things
we can relate to with our five senses, unaware of spiritual realities that are
all around us, including the reality of God's presence. And we wonder why we are so lonely.
We try to fill that God-shaped vacuum with
everything else. We fill it with other
relationships, and when those fail to satisfy we fill it with work, or
temporary pleasures.
Our striving for fulfillment drives us so
frantically that we become addicted to our attempts. Every substitute we put into our lives
becomes a bondage that only makes us more miserable.
I'm pretty sure it was an awareness of
God's loving presence that filled the Garden of Eden with pleasure for Adam and
Eve. They walked and talked with Him,
and that had to be the most wonderful part of their Garden experience.
Walking and talking with God was natural to
them. Because they knew nothing else,
they probably couldn't imagine not being able to do it. They were unprepared for the horror of losing
that relationship.
Maybe that's why they were so deceived by
the lies of Satan. They didn't realize,
in that one fateful moment, that God's presence was their central delight, and
so the pleasure of God's presence was lost to the human race forever.
But no.
Not forever. God dearly loved the
human beings He had created. He knew they would fall, so He had a back-up plan. Adam and Eve hid from God but He did not
hide from them. He sought them out. He
drew them back. At great cost to
Himself, he provided a way for them to enjoy His presence once more.
And He draws us back too. That deep loneliness we feel is the draw. When it gets deep enough, demanding enough,
we begin to want Him again. And if we
are willing to give in to that wanting, He will fill us with the pleasure of
His presence once again.
Yes, there will be other pleasures in
heaven--pleasures more wonderful than we can imagine. In heaven, the distraction of pain will be gone forever
and we will be free to enjoy the blessings of God's love that we are
blind to in this life. But all those freedoms and wonders will be intricately
entwined with the pleasure of His presence.
If we do not want Him more than anything,
heaven will hold no real pleasure for us.
So God gives us a choice while we are alive
on earth.
We can choose Him and heaven, or we can
turn away, as Adam and Eve did.
God will honor whatever choice we make, for
FOR GOD, the Lord of earth and heaven
SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven
THE WORLD, in sin and pleasure mad
THAT HE GAVE the only Gift He had.
HIS ONLY SON, to take our place
THAT WHOSOEVER--Oh what grace!
BELIEVETH, placing simple trust
IN HIM, the righteous and the just
SHOULD NOT PERISH, lost in sin
John 3:16 in poetry, by an unknown author.