The Voices in Your Head are Lying

The voices in your head hate you. 
They hate you because God loves you, and they hate God.  
The voices in your head want to destroy you.  
That's why they tell you to destroy yourself.
The lying voices in your head tell you that no one cares about you. 

The Truth: You may cast all your cares upon God, because He cares about you. 

The lying voices say that no one understands you. 

The Truth: God searches out your heart and He knows you.

The lying voices say you have no hope; 
that life will not get better for you; 
that it will only get worse.

The Truth: God knows the plans that He has for you, and they are plans to prosper you and give you good things.

Don't listen to the voices.  
Tell them to go away.  
Jesus has given you the right to do that.  
Speak the name, Jesus, to the voices and they will leave. 
Then look around you for a person who can help you overcome the voices; 
go to that person and share your story with them.

God says,  I have loved you with an everlasting love.


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