Deep Thoughts in Times Like This

In times like these, I begin to think about the hard questions. 

What is the worst thing that could happen to me with this virus?
What am I most afraid of?

The worst thing would be that I could die, or someone I love could die. 
            Death is the ultimate evil thing, right?

So what would happen to me if I died?  
Would I survive somewhere after death? 
And would it be a happy place or a not so happy one? 

If I were to survive death, and find myself standing before the Creator of the universe, what would I say to convince Him that I should be allowed into heaven?
            I would probably tell Him that I have been a good person. 

But what if He probed a bit.  What if He said, "How good were you?"
            I could say, "Well, I was a lot better person than Donald Trump." 

Hmm.  That might not be saying a whole lot.
            I could say, "Well, I've been better than most people actually.  
            I've done lots of good things and I certainly haven't done any really evil things. 
            I'm over 50% good.  Way over."

            So I've probably made a passing grade.

But what if there is no grade?
What if it's just, "Are you good or not?" 
How good is good enough?

But the Creator is supposed to be good too, right?  He cares about people.  And He should appreciate all that goodness He would see in me.  

Maybe He would say, 
"Yes, you're right.  You've been pretty good.  In fact, there's only one or two little tiny sins I ever remember you committing.  A little lie or two.  Oh, yes, and that small bit of mean gossip you passed on about your coworker. 

But those little sins would not even show up under a microscope. The rest of you is really clean.
I think you're probably clean enough to enter heaven."
(Whew.  What a relief.)
"I'm sure one little microscopic bit of sinful virus won't amount to much. So we'll overlook that.  
Welcome into my perfect home."



It has occurred to me that some people might have missed the irony in this message. It's in the last sentence. (Heaven is a perfect place. No evil. No death or pain.)

What if sin is like a virus? What if it was introduced into the human race when the first humans decided to disobey their Creator and go their own way, and all the evil in the world is the disease, full-blown.

What if everyone is infected, even if they seem asymptomatic and, In the end, that microscopic bit of virus will kill us all. Unless someone invents a vaccine.

What if Jesus came into the human race, Himself uninfected, took the disease into his own body and suffered death, so that his blood could be used to provide the vaccine?

If so, then anyone who is willing to be injected with the vaccine can be cured, and the virus eliminated.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

If heaven is a perfect place, the virus will have to be dealt with in anyone who wants to go there.

Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

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