Death: Google It

Apparently, the keyword, "death," has been showing up in Google searches a lot recently. It's no wonder. Death has been pretty much in our faces over the last three months.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing.

When things are going well for us we tend to live in the moment, and living in the present is a good thing to do--as long as living in the present moment doesn't interfere with our making plans for a good future.

It's funny that we are keen to plan for a happy retirement, but it doesn't occur to us to plan for a happy afterlife.  Death comes after retirement. And sometimes it takes us by surprise: for some of us, death will come before retirement. In any case, death is inevitable for all of us, and so it's worth doing some serious thinking about.

It's good to enjoy the present, but it's also good to plan for the future, not just the near future, but also for our ultimate future.

We probably avoid thinking about death, and what might come after, because we feel there's really nothing we can do about it. It's all a big mystery and we assume that means we should just ignore it.

Death is mysterious, for sure, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't explore that mystery. You might have noticed that Christians are more serene in the midst of the COVID 19 turmoil around us. They are less perturbed about the thought of death than others. There's a reason for that. Christians believe that God has given us information about death and the afterlife, and has urged us to prepare for it. 

In fact, God has provided the opportunity for a good afterlife for all of us. He's made a happy afterlife a free gift. All we have to do is choose to receive it.

Christians believe that, because God loves us, He has provided for us, through Jesus' life and death, the ultimate afterlife insurance policy.  Christians are less worried about death because they believe God's promise that if we put our faith in Jesus we will live "happily ever after."

This sounds simplistic.  But what if the simple answer is the true one? What if the answer to a happy afterlife is so simple a child can grasp it? Maybe the answer is worth pursuing?

Today's suggested Bible reading explains why Christians are able to relax into the present difficult situation, as well as into their future destination. It explains the process by which God has made eternal happiness available to us all.

Click on this hyperlink to read the explanation:  Our Eternal Hope


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