How to Find Peace in the Middle of the Mess


The Bible tells us 365 times that we should not fear.  If you look you can find a different "Do Not Fear" verse for every day of the year! 


Perhaps there's a reason for that. 

Fear is rampant in our society.  This has been true in every age and culture, but it seems that today, because of our technological progress in the area of travel and communication, everywhere we look, reasons to fear literally stare us in the face.


On the news we are confronted with towering dangers, all over the world, many of which seem beyond the control of any human being or government. Politically, physically, financially, relationally--in every realm of our existence we see reasons to feel insecure and vulnerable.  If we're not feeling fear for ourselves, we're feeling it for those we love who are going through struggles we can't do anything about. 


When we look around us, we have great reason to be overcome with anxiety.  But "around us" is not the only direction we can look.  As Christians, we are encouraged to look up, and when we do, we find great reason to rejoice, even in the midst of the mess roiling around at our feet.  For those who are willing to come to the foot of the cross, there is hope. 


If we have come to a decision, at some point in our lives, to ask Jesus Christ to rescue us from our sins and ourselves--if we have received Him as our Lord, and chosen, by faith, to put our complete trust in Him, we have no reason to fear. 




But the trust has to come first, before we can rest in God's peace.  And gaining the trust can only happen as we walk with Him.  Daily attentiveness to the only one Who has the solution to every problem is our only way to peace in the midst of this broken world.  The closer we draw to Him, the more clearly we see the ultimate triumph of His great Goodness, and so the easier it is to relax and trust Him with the insurmountable problems we see when we look around us.


In tomorrow's post I will suggest 10 ways to find that peace.  Ways that have worked for me.





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