Chess, Spider Solitaire and the Rubix Cube, or Deep thoughts on the meaning of the universe.

In this blog post I am going to digress, for a moment, from a pursuit of the meaning of my life in order to pursue the meaning of the universe. I realize that's quite a leap--one might even say a significant one--but I can't help but feel there might be a connection between the two in the end. My pursuit of the meaning of the universe came about the other day while I was pondering the meaning of my life and playing spider solitaire while I waited for inspiration. I began to ask myself, "What do chess, spider solitaire and the Rubix cube have in common?" There might be several things those games have in common, but the one that struck me is that they are all concerned with putting things in their proper places--getting things to their perfect final homes. Finding meaning, order and purpose, you might say. But even more than the pursuit of that ultimate goal, the solutions in all of these puzzles require--yes...