The Gift of 2020--Out With the Old, In With the New

This morning, before sitting down to watch (virtually) the last church service of 2020, I fix my breakfast. My conscience tells me I need something better than the dessert cuisine I've been indulging in for the past four days, so I boil a couple of eggs and plunk the last two slices of an old loaf of bread into the toaster. I suspect the sermon may tell me I need something better to feed my spirit as well--something more eternally significant than the Spider Solitaire games I've been playing while popping Christmas candy into my mouth all week. I am too lazy to make a fresh pot of coffee so I go to the fridge, pull an old, nearly empty, carton of Costco Chai latte mix from the back of the top shelf, pour it into a cup, add milk, and zap it in the microwave. The key word here is "old." I stir my latte, un-shell my eggs, and butter my toast. But when I pick up my cup a minute later I notice three or f...